
International School on Integrated Environmental Studies in the Arctic

INES School wants to facilitate international and interdisciplinary cooperation in studies on climate and ocean processes in shaping the future environment  with special attention to the Arctic natural environment and both local and global societies. On September 27th, our research group formed by Daniela Basso (University of Milano-Bicocca), with the contribution of Vivi Pitta (HCMR), Filomena Romano (HCMR), Selene Varliero (POLIMI), Eleonora Kratter Thaler (POLIMI), Pietro Bazzicalupo (University of Milano-Bicocca) funded by the OACIS program of the Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, during our experimental session in the HCMR laboratories, had the opportunity to present the ongoing researches on marine Carbon Dioxide Removal. 

Limenet opening event

On September 10th 2024 in Milan, Limenet presented its first industrial plant located in Augusta, in the province of Siracusa, Sicily. During the event, several stakeholders involved in the start-up's projects spoke, along with the CEO of Limenet and professors from the universities with which the company collaborates, whose scientific expertise forms the foundation of the start-up's development. 

On the occasion, Professor Daniela Basso from University of Milano-Bicocca spoke about climate and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement, taking the opportunity to describe the experiments about the impact of Limenet technology on marine biota conducted in La Spezia during the spring of 2024. She also presented the preliminary results from the data collected in the field by PhD students Sara Groppelli and Davide Calvi (University of Milano-Bicocca). 

Limenet incontra La Spezia

July 3rd, 2024: Professor Daniela Basso from University of Milano-Bicocca and the team from Limenet s.r.l. met with citizens and authorities of La Spezia to discuss issues related to climate change, the key role of carbon capture and storage technologies, and the experiments conducted at Porto Mirabello last spring. 


Marine carbon dioxide removal: From blue carbon to ocean alkalinity enhancement

The Ocean is a victim of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oxygen loss, resulting in severe consequences for marine ecosystems and the communities and societies who depend on them. But the Ocean, covering 70% of Earth’s surface, can also be a vital part of the solution and our ally to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This half day event will delve into the latest research on climate change impacts on the ocean and discuss potential ocean-based approaches to help address them, alongside imperative efforts to reduce emissions. Moderated panel discussions with experts from science, economy, conservation, policy and business will debate the potential benefits and disadvantages of such measures, with a special focus on protecting and restoring blue carbon ecosystems (a nature-based approach) and on “ocean alkalinity enhancement”, the addition of alkaline materials to the sea with the goal to increase the ocean’s potential to absorb carbon (a technological approach).


Best practices guide to ocean alkalinity enhancement research published in State of the Planet and launched at United Nations Climate Change Conference

OAE_Press_Release_27-Nov-2023 UNIMIB.pdf
AlkalOcean-OLIGOS experiment at CRETACOSMOS facilities in Heraklion

June 2023: The OLIGOS project was at the CRETACOSMOS facilities in Heraklion, Greece, funded by AQUACOSM-plus and the OACIS initiative. The research team was international and led by Prof. Daniela Basso of the University of Milano-Bicocca, with the coordination of Dr. Vivi Pitta of HCMR in Greece. The project involved scientists from different institutions in seven countries, with the aim of studying the effects of OAE on marine communities. OLIGOS aims to promote a sustainable future and advance scientific knowledge in this field

In Milan, for the first time, two important academic institutions (Università Milano-Bicocca and Politecnico di Milano) are teaming together to host the Oceano aMICO2 event. This is a divulgative event on CO2 reduction strategies centered around the Ocean. The theme is extremely relevant and the strategies discussed may shape the new mitigation of current climate change scenarios.

Link to the abstract

Part of the team at the event Oceano AmiCO2 - University of Milano-Bicocca 8/05/2023
Poster of the event Oceano AmiCo2
Testing alkalinisation as a potential mitigation tool for ocean acidification

October 2022: The OLCAPP experiment, led by Prof. Daniela Basso, in collaboration with other researchers of her team and local researchers, took place at the Marine Research Centre at the University of Vigo. The aim of this experiment was to assess the effect of alkalinization on the plankton community and calcareous algae (maerl) and it was conducted in the frame of the AQUACOSM-plus Transnational Access (TA) program.

Pianeta oceano e decarbonizzazione: la rimozione di anidride carbonica attraverso il mare some methods and projects that contribute to the reduction and removal of carbon dioxide through the oceans presented in one of our articles in collaboration with Worldrise Onlus. Among these is our Oceano aMICO2 project.